Do you import vegetables, fruit, plants or plant material? Then a pre-notification must be made to the NVWA before an import declaration can be made. This pre-notification is done via client import.
Client import is the system used in the Netherlands that registers applications for import inspections and distributes them among the inspection services. We enter all data necessary for import into client import. For example, the phytosanitary certificate number and exactly what you want to enter. After the inspection, the inspector of the inspection service records his findings in this system.
As soon as the consignment is released by the inspection service, an approval number, also known as P2 number, is assigned.
If the approved location is not yet linked to our customer number, we can have these added to the NVWA with a one-off authorization. From that moment on we can register every shipment for you through client import at the NVWA.
Can we help you or do you still have specific questions about the import of CED products? Please contact us!
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